Thursday, September 8, 2011

Food Ettiquette When Eating Outside the United States

Here are some general rules of etiquette to follow when you are confronted with unfamiliar food in a foreign land:

If you don't know what it is, you might be better off not asking. Taste it. If you don't like it and are asked for your opinion, say something like “It has a very distinctive flavor.”

If you know what it is and don't want to try it, politely refuse. Or you can say something like “I know this is quite a delicacy, but I've tried it before and found it doesn't sit well with me.”

If you sense that a refusal would offend your host or fellow diners, cut it up and move it around on your dish so that it looks as if you are eating.

What Americans call diapers are napkins in England. This could lead to some hilarious and/or embarrassing misunderstandings. When speaking to someone from the British Isles, refer to the linens you put on the table as serviettes.

It is particularly important to respect the dietary rules of Muslims. They do not eat the flesh of any animal that scavenges, including pigs, goats, some birds, and sea scavengers like lobster. Food may not be prepared using the products derived from these animals, such as oils. Muslims do not drink alcohol and avoid foods cooked with alcohol.

 Do not point with your chopsticks or suck on them. Do not stick chopsticks upright in your rice. This placement is thought to bring bad luck.

In Europe you may expect salads to be served after, rather than before, the main dish.

Orthodox Jews do not eat pork or shellfish. Meat and fowl must be kosher, which means they must be ritually prepared.

In Europe and elsewhere, the main dish is served at the beginning of the meal, so don't think of it as an appetizer. Also be careful at formal Chinese banquets. These events consist of many more courses than Westerners expect. Don't fill up too early, or you'll be too full to eat some wonderful delicacies later in the meal.

Presented By:
Rawhide Travel & Tours Inc
6008 W Bell Rd # F105
Glendale, AZ 85308-3793
(602) 843-5100

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