Monday, September 12, 2016

A Sincere Thank You To Our Military and First Responders

September is not a special month, but it is as fitting as any. With Labor Day and the remembrance of 9/11 it certainly does fit in with a month to call attention to the time and many sacrifices that those serving in our military and those we call first responders deserve.

The members of and the families that support our military and our first responders need to know that they are deeply appreciate and that we honor their many sacrifices. In too many instances the ultimate sacrifice.

Our military serves us around the clock, both at home and abroad. These folks rise to the call of duty every time they wake and report for duty. Their work always puts their life on the lone.. Some even having their lives taken to save sometime else. I can't even imagine what goes through someone's mind when they are headed to a call but what I do know is they don't get enough credit. It seems credit is only given when they make the save, but that's not how it should be.

Do you remember that every day our men and women serving in the Navy, Marines, Army, Coast Guard, National Guard and Air Force our do a near thankless job to make sure we are both free and protected?

Do you think of the thousands of men and women that serve and protect us, our friends and families by doing the multitude of tasks that law enforcement, be it Federal, State or Local, are called upon to do every minute, ever hour and every day? 

Please don’t think we are forgetting our other hard working and danger facing first responder of the fire department or paramedics. No, these men and women cannot be left off our list of those that need to singled out for honor and praise. Certainly not as an afterthought we pace in this part of our list the doctors and nurses that also work 24 / 7 to aid those of us who need help when we are at our most vulnerable. 

When you are in trouble your first call is a first responder. Dispatchers, Firefighters, Police Officers, Paramedics and EMT’s are our heroes. When we call, they are there and their jobs are far from easy. They work long crazy hours around the clock and rush to scenes helping complete strangers without thinking twice.

Call Rawhide Travel and Tours when you are ready to start planning that special vacation or event today. 602-843-5100 or visit our website

Presented By:
Rawhide Travel and Tours Inc
6008 West Bell Rd # F105
Glendale, Arizona 85308-3793
(602) 843-5100

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