Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Off the Beaten Path – Singapore

There’s more to Singapore beyond the gleaming buildings downtown or its enormous shopping malls. Let's take a look at just a few other offerings from the diverse, beautiful city-state

Check out the eclectic shops at Tiong Bahru
Tiong Bahru has been a favorite hangout. With its historical and striking art deco flats, the once-sleepy neighborhood retains a bit of its old-time charm. In recent years, however, businesses that seem to cater to the artistic types have set up shop here and have turned it into one of the city’s most interesting enclaves.

Tiong Bahru is a mix of quaint and cool, and this draws the crowds. On most Saturdays, the indie cafés teem with patrons wanting to get a caffeine fix or to catch up with friends. Several shops carry artisanal merchandise that you won’t find elsewhere in the city – maybe even in the world.

Wind down at Holland Village/Chip Bee Gardens
Just on the fringes of the city center, you’ll find one of the few places in Singapore that’s not overshadowed by towering developments. Holland Village, just a few kilometers away to the Singapore Botanic Gardens , is fairly laid-back. Although a number of pubs have set up on one side, you just need to cross Holland Avenue to relax at Chip Bee Gardens.

Chip Bee Gardens is a tranquil suburban oasis lined with terraced black-and-white houses. A mid-20th century remnant of colonial rule, Chip Bee Gardens was originally built for the families of British soldiers. Today, it is known as an enclave for expat families, who enjoy its relatively spacious two-story houses.

Haunt a different kind of night market
Some of us might imagine night markets to be something out of Blade Runner’s opening scene, or maybe akin to other cities’ hectic but exciting street food markets. However, some local enterprising minds decided to revamp the entire concept.

Enter MAAD (Market of Artists and Designers), a market where creative entrepreneurs – designers, retailers, caterers, and more – gather for one Friday every month. It’s a pop-up, which makes it all the more thrilling. Its venue, the Red Dot Design Museum, becomes a cool destination to check out a constantly changing line up of merchants. It’s also an experimental ground for creative minds, so you might be one of the first to cop a unique find or two.

Visit an art gallery or a collector’s museum
In recent years, Singapore has been trying to position itself as a cultural epicenter in the region. The State has even sponsored various initiatives to stoke creativity. In the Bras Basah area, the Singapore Art Museum has two campuses surrounded by art schools and design studios. The restored colonial bungalows of Gillman Barracks house several international galleries.

Popular attractions become gateways to culture and knowledge as well. Many museums celebrate the indigenous and migrant cultures that have flourished in Singapore. Learning and discovery museums take a considerable amount of effort to design, curate, and even collect – just to be child-friendly.

Singapore is becoming a renaissance city, especially with first global expansion of the renowned Pinacothèque de Paris housed in the historic Fort Canning Arts Centre. The Singapore Pinacothèque de Paris is poised to bring the work of legends closer to the masses and demystify their works with a unique approach.

For a more lighthearted experience, head over to the MINT (Moment of Imagination and Nostalgia with Toys) Museum of Toys. Be dazzled by a sizeable collection of vintage toys and collectibles from all over the world. 

Discover the city after dark
As the sun sets, a different kind of energy envelopes Singapore. It’s as if a totally different bunch of people has come out to play. The sight of office workers heading out to bars and pubs to kick back is common to most cities, but the Singaporean nightlife is quite hard to decipher. A variety of options waits on every street corner and most rooftops. It’s also kind of a hit or miss, considering that with so many options, the crowd is spread out. Navigating the city after dark might require some insider savvy, so ask around or scour the Net. On a good night, you might hit the jackpot with good music, booze, and grub, as you move away from the tourist-heavy riverside quays, and look up to the skies. 

Call Rawhide Travel and Tours and start planning that special vacation or event today. 602-843-5100 or visit our website

Presented By:
Rawhide Travel and Tours Inc
6008 West Bell Road # F105
Glendale, Arizona 85308-3793
(602) 843-5100

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